Show Notes: Are Millennials Really Fueling the Amenities Arms Race? | an interview with Peter Armstrong (Podcast)

Millennials may be behind a 31 percent uptick in houseplant sales in 2016, but are they also responsible for the “amenities arms race” happening in urban centers across America ? According to Peter Armstrong, Vice President at The Georgetown Company, the answer is simply: no. It turns out that this much hyped generation isn’t so different from their Baby Boomer or Generation X predecessors when it comes to choosing where and how to live, and many Millennials may not even have the disposable income to live in the trendiest areas of town.

Gensler’s Residential Practice Area Leader Phil Esocoff had a conversation with Peter to talk about how amenities in residential apartment spaces can contribute to increased wellbeing across generations, how developers and leasing companies are reimaging what amenities can be, and which top amenities now will stand the test of time.


Natasha Roque